Sunday, May 08, 2005

::50 reasons why bicycles are better than cars (inspired by previous post)

1) Can park anywhere.
2) Can park "securely" anywhere there is a pole, fence or tree.
3) No need to pay for parking.
4) Easier to maintain.
5) Also cheaper to maintain.
6) Cheaper to get a good bicycle than a good car.
7) Pedestrians are seldom killed by a collision with a bicycle, we keep hearing about pedestrians killed by cars almost every day.
8) Can ride bicycle in confined spaces.
9) Can make tighter turns.
10) Can keep bicycles in your house.
11) Can keep alot of bicycles in your house.
12) Can even keep them in your bedroom.
13) Cyclists notice other cyclists.
14) Don't need to pay ERP.
15) Can get a tan on both arms, car drivers get a tan on only one side and look funny.
16) Bicycle can go off the road and take short cuts.
17) Bicycle allowed in parks.
18) Bicycle allowed in void decks.
19) People don't get heart attacks when they see a bicycle creeping up behind them on the pavement.
20) No pollution (from my hippie sister)
21) MTBs more versatile on mountains.
22) More fun to ride pillion on a bicycle (but please don't do this on the road).
23) Other people can see your nice clothes and nice body (or ugly clothes and ugly body. Or ugly clothes and nice body. Or nice clothes and argh whatever).
24) Up close and personal with the scenery.
25) Can carry a bicycle.
26) Can carry a bicycle with one hand.
27) Can store bicycle upside down.
28) Can walk a bicycle.
29) Cycling is a form of exercise (hear that, all you lazy people in cars)
30) People don't complain about parked bicycles blocking up the road.
31) Can go down a handrail on a bicycle.
32) Makes less noise.
33) Costs less to repair.
34) Costs less to replace.
35) We can hear what is going on outside.
36) We don't need to go for driving tests.
37) Can go both on the pavement or the road.
38) Bicycle can jump without a ramp.
39) We don't need everyone to push when our bicycle breaks down.
40) We don't even need a tow truck.
41) People below 18 can ride bicycles (that's for Singapore!)
42) People seldom ask you to give them a lift on your bicycle.
43) Bicycles don't explode and catch fire.
44) Out of control bicycles are less dangerous.
45) People find you more approachable cause they can talk to you more easily.
46) Stingy (not necessarily poor) people can eat in peace without worrying about whether the traffic police have come to check parking coupons.
47) Can stand up on a bicycle.
48) Bicycle looks less hostile.
49) Don't need to register your bicycle.
50) Don't need to pay COE.

(Check this out: 101 Reasons why biking is better than blading)