Tuesday, January 24, 2006


I've been working on my java assignment. It's a game called Treasurehunter Game.

Like, what kind of pok name is that! No choice, I didn't think of it. They forced me. Anyway, it's a stupid minesweeper kinda game.

Actually, doing it is quite fun la. Everyday, I think: What new feature can I add today? And then I add something new. But it's getting out of hand though. I think it will end up as one of those things with features that are totally unnecessary, like

a paper aeroplane with anti-missile function
a paper cup with an elaborate artistic straw system
a bulletproof bicycle
a snake with legs
a tv soap opera with an original plot

though knowing me, it'll probably be more like

a crooked paper aeroplane that can't even fly, with antimissile system
a paper cup with an elaborate artistic straw system and a hole in the bottom
a 1000000kg bulletproof bicycle
a snake with toes but no legs
a tv soap opera with an original plot and so many characters that no one can remember who died and who didn't

i've been putting off the io part for very long already. Cannot like that la, better stop adding and start working on it tomorrow.

btw, one of my frens got into honours' roll. the smart shit.