Friday, September 01, 2006

::A run, Practical Lesson 3 no. 1, Teachers Day, and a 重量级人物

Had my first (or rather second, but the first one doesnt count) run after signing up for the Standard Chartered marathon. (Yes, unfit wimpy SATan signed up for a marathon... or rather the *shortest* 10km one la. Stop laughing already. It's all in the name of healthy lifestyle.)

And I will have to cut down on cycling and stop pissing off everyone on the road. Yeah.

So I brought my fat ass down to the park today. I'd made up my mind to stay down there for half an hour. Ended up walking for most of the half-hour. The distance I actually ran was pathetic.
And yet, when it was over, I felt like an overweight 80 year-old man with heart disease.
That's what two years of no exercise and doing endless projects while eating unhealthy food does to you.

So will SATan survive the 10km run? Continue following this blog to find out!
Hah, like real.....
Cannot! Must be motivated! I can do it! I can do it!


I had my first bike practical 3 on Wednesday.
Narrow plank, slalom and emergency stop.
As usual, for the first practical, I have to screw up something right?
This time, it was the slalom and emergency stop.
I think I have really poor turning skills....hee.
Kept skidding while doing the emergency stop, but I didn't fall down at least! ^^
(I'm always falling down, in fact I am very good friends with the floor already)

Then, for the narrow plank, I was..... too slow?
Isn't the criteria for passing narrow plank >6 seconds?
No, actually it's cause, the slower you go, the harder it is to stay on the plank.
Then, it's quite wasted if you exceed 6 seconds at the start of the plank, and then fall off after that. Better to get off the plank before you ruin your "passed" status.

Makes sense for me cause I'm not such a "well-balanced" person la. I can only trackstand (remain balanced on a stationary bicycle) for a few seconds.
And it's not a bicycle this time, it's a motorcycle, so it's harder.
At least I think so....

And it rained all through the lesson, like the really heavy kind..... :x
(In fact, the rain later continued for two days)
This malay guy (we were the only two taking this practical for the first time) was like, "It's very cold leh."
I agreed.
Then we showed each other the water dripping off our gloves.
*drip drip*

At first, I thought we had a new instructor, or rather one that hadn't taught me before.
Then, when I got home, I was thinking, "When I think of the instructor who taught me today, why do I keep thinking of another instructor?"
Then, I checked my practical book and they were the same guy! (same name)
I didn't recognise him cause he changed his glasses for contacts! Brown ones some more! (At leash I think so la).
**Correction: His eyes are naturally brown. I just noticed. Oops sorry, my bad.**
He looked so different!
But looked quite nice la.
Unfortunately, he seemed not to be in a very good mood that day.
I think it's the weather making everyone miserable la.
Cause it's all wet and grey and stuff and most people don't like being outside in rainy weather.
(It's weird leh.....I like riding in rainy weather, very relaxing)
Either that or he just changed to contacts and they're making his eyes itch.

And then I forgot to book my theory test.


Went back to St. Nicks for teacher's day.
It was odd.
The crowd of people in blue uniforms frightened me.
It reminded me of how alienated I felt when I was still in there.
Cause I didn't think like everyone else and I still don't.

I have never bought into all this gift-giving, writing sweet notes stuff.
I try not to say or do something unless I really mean it.
And the fact is that the atmosphere during teacher's day is not really a good one for meeting people.
The teachers want to go home early too cause they need a well-deserved break and probably have commitments in the evening but they need to smile at and socialize with the students who are coming in to see them (what a pain).
The whole place is swamped with over-enthusiastic students.
Everyone is just saying the usual nice "We miss you soooo much" and "Oh, it's beautiful! Thank you so much!" stuff to each other.
How can one have a good talk with anybody?


I've been making combined posts lately.
Like happenings over the past few days and stuff.
I guess it's cause I don't always have the time to sit down in front of this computer and blog.
Oh well...
