Saturday, March 05, 2005


my ma, she comes in, and she sez....go do your JAE thingy.

an I'm like huh? do JAE thingy? better wait cuz if u want to change it, u have to pay $10.

yup, application costs $7 and changing it costs $10. How crazy is that?

But she say no. Last day and every1 will be rushing online to do it. Not good. An I'm mighty pissed cuz I just dug out a buzz song i did like last year and was doing shit with it and now it sounds worse. Ugh.

actually the real reason is that i am very very indecisive. an i dun want to pay extra $10.

so anyway i did it. fucking nightmare.

first, they asked for my nric and singpass and ic date. then they did nothing.

huh? what the hell? oh, i dun have some java crap, better get it. damn.

so i went and got it. went thru the same thing again. then, enter my new singpass.

new singpass? oh, you're supposed to invent one. so i invent one.

then i put all my courses, check check and doublecheck. then confirm. and the fucking thing wont print. so i have to save it and print it.

yah, now i have to pay $7.

now i'm trying to get people to bet on my choices, see which one i get. easy money.
