Friday, March 25, 2005


Ok lah. Due to popular demand, I will reveal my top-secret posting results, which I swore not to reveal in an secret ritual which involved passing pieces of burning paper around. I was posted to Information Tech in Singapore Poly. Why? Why is it my first choice? I don't know, okay? Wonders never cease.

All right, I talked. You can kill me now and send my head back to the Boss. x_x

Ok, anyway rite, here's a combo post for yesterday+today.


Went with my aunt to visit some cattery in Punggol or something like that. It's in some house in some ulu part of Singapore, and ohmygod so many cute cats. The cats weren't overwhelming in their affection, but seemed polite and friendly enough, and the place is really clean and neat, and the people were pretty friendly. There was this one-eyed persian cross whom I liked. It's eye had been poked out by someone with a toothpick (gross!), which was a pity cause he is a really pretty cat with a wonderful temperament, laid-back enough not to be demanding attention all the time, but not 'dao'(arrogant).

If I could keep a cat, I'd adopt him. Yes, he's old and one-eyed and everything but I like him. So what?

there were 4 dogs, but I only saw two of them clearly. There was a small fluffy one and a fat sheltie called Sunshine. I only saw the shapes of the other two outside the window.

It's great to hear that even though most Singaporeans treat animals like shit and everything, there are still many people setting up animal shelters and stuff and helping the animals.


I finally have my own bike (bicycle lah, not motorbike)!! No more crappy rental kiosk bikes!! BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. It's a no name, red and blue cheapo mountain bike thingy (no frills, no bells and whistles, nothing) which I got for just under a hundred dollars. And it's new!!!

Doesn't sound that great? Well look at it this way, I nearly ended up with a rusty-looking, dirty bike which nobody wanted with only one working brake and unidentified gross stuff in the basket. And oh yes, it's previous owner DIED. It's previous owner is now dead. That pretty much did it for me. I mean, would you want to ride on some haunted bike or something?

Yay! So now I have my own bike. ^_^