Thursday, April 21, 2005

::Let there be light... or lights, whatever.

Got the 2 bikes (me and sis) equipped with lights (both head and tail) and waterbottle holders (don't ask me why we ended up buying them), came up to $52 (that's Singapore dollars, btw). Very happy with mine (red and purplish-white), but my sis ended up with the same colour light (blue) on both ends cause they ran out of white ones, somehow she doesn't like it or what, so we're going to get another and give her tail light to my ma. Now I can finally achieve my dream of being a christmas tree. All I need are some twigs and leaves to stick in my spokes (unfortunately I have no trouble with that one).

Took him down to the park to check out the lights, wah not bad, very bright. Lit up the path like a fucking disco for all the joggers to dance up and down to, ok lah, perhaps not. Joggers seem to be more frightened of bikes with lights than bikes without lights, don't argue with me, I've tried both. Maybe it's cause the light is sending them into convulsions or perhaps they have more time to panic or whatever. Made the mistake of making my front light all twinkly, damn thing sent me into convulsions. Ok, I'm stupid. I know.

Yeah, so why did I blow my money on lots of twinkly things? (let's not talk about the waterbottle holders, I can only find one waterbottle that can fit both waterbottle holders, but that's another story) Well,

Not so important reason: They look funky. Like a christmas tree. Told ya.
Important reason: Safety reasons. So people can see me at night.

Joggers can see me coming. Cars can see me coming when I go on the road/through the carpark/whatever. Whether they want to be nice to me or not is a different matter, but at least those that intended to be nice can see me, and those that intended to frighten me have a better idea of where I am.

And yes, I do go on the road but only when I have to. Personally, I don't like roads, but that's just me. I'd rather crawl on the pavement.