Wednesday, May 11, 2005

::Doing it manually usual.

Still doing Prepmaths, and listening to Helloween cds. Mmm. Power metal and polynomials. Nutritious.

Oh, be careful what you think. For all you know, it may come true.

Today, I finally managed to get my bike's front wheel off the ground after weeks (almost 2 weeks lah, you guys probably can figure out how untalented I am now... ) of trying and of course, I was elated. In fact, I was so elated that I thought, even if I fall down today or what, it'll still be a good day.

Well, after that I went upstairs, got my mtb and went to ride around. And guess what, while I was doing a turn (something I usually have no problem with), I skidded on a patch of wet mud and fell in a very undignified way. Ouch.

So be careful what you tell yourself. Sometimes, you don't even need to say it out for it to come true.

Anyway today I was happily going around on my cute little bike doing very retarded looking mini manuals all over the place like my bike was hiccuping *erkp!* or something, and I met this auntie pushing one of those trolleys that people use to take vegetables home from the market in. And I just happened to be doing a crappy manual where she could see it . And I suppose she thought I was showing off in front of her so when I stopped and turned around, I noticed she had given her trolley a big push and was strolling behind it, like "You can lift your front wheel off the ground, but see, I also got stunt, I can get my trolley to move where I want without touching it". Aunties are so cute!!

Anyway, sorry lah, auntie, I wasn't showing off in front of you. I wasn't even in your path and I didn't even see you coming lah. Anyway, I also can do your stunt hehe. But not with a bicycle lah. With a trolley then can. :)