Friday, October 29, 2004

::To All Those People Who...

...produce songs but can't tell a synthesizer from a sanitizer, dance but have two left feet (or two right feet for that matter), sing but can't stay in tune, draw but can't draw anything but stick figures, play an instrument although everyone says you sound horrible, speak a language though you’re so bad at it that no one can understand you, play tennis though you’re picking balls most of the time, etc.

I applaud you for having the courage to try, having the curiosity to learn more and having the persistence to continue trying.

Rome was not built in a day, all of us have to start somewhere. All the experts you see didn’t become great overnight. All of them were beginners once, most of them have written cheesy songs / danced clumsily / sang or played horribly / etc. (just that they probably don’t want to talk about it).

Don’t worry about not having results instantly, how many people you know can achieve instant results, especially with something which requires skill and practice? No matter how long it seems to take, you will get there. Even if it takes ten years, twenty years, etc. the results will definitely be worth it and you’ll be among the few who had the perseverance to continue and now have something to show for it.

Even though everything now seems results-based (they want results and they want it FAST!), you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for yourself. Those who laugh at and ridicule a beginner have often forgotten what it was like for them when they first started, or else they’re just stupid shits who get a kick out of making other people miserable, in that case I say to them: GET A LIFE AND DO SOMETHING MORE PRODUCTIVE!! Time is wasted on these idiots and should be given to someone else (ie. you) who can make better use of it. Oh, and don’t bother about having nothing to show off right now. A skill, constantly practiced and improved, ages gracefully over time and will eventually become something to be proud of. Anyway, you’re not doing it for them, you’re doing it for yourself.

I’m still trying to keep this in mind, even though it can be hard sometimes. Really hard. Especially when everything I do seems like crap, but one thing I know is that I WILL GET THERE. :D


My dream is to become a faceless producer of electronic music, working unnoticed while someone else gets rich and famous playing my music. I don’t need the stardom, I don’t need the fame, I’d rather have my quiet life thank you. Going about your daily life knowing that someone appreciates your music enough to play it, hearing your song somewhere, seeing people enjoying it and having nobody except you (and the precious few you told) know that you wrote it, now that must be the best feeling in the world.
Okay, I know it’s not going to happen anytime soon. But hey, I can dream, can’t I?

I still like metal by the way. My music taste is just schizo, that’s all. :D