Thursday, April 07, 2005


anyway, my sister got her bike on tuesday. it's a blue and silver mountain bike thingy. and i got a bell for my bike. u know those bells that go "ring ring"? well, it's not one of them. it goes "ding". or "ding ding" if you like. they were selling some jap ones that sounded nicer but my ma wouldn't buy them cuz she thought they were ugly. looks don't matter to me though when i'm buying bicycle bells. i want one that is damn loud and jarring so that everyone will jump out of the way when i ring it, so of course i didn't get the jap one. after all, if it sounds too nice, everyone will just stand there going "wah! what lovely music!"

i wanted to buy one of those "parh-pooh" horns instead but my sis said everyone will think i'm an ice cream seller. anyway it looks very uncle-like.

~*~ Rant here ~*~

watched "zi you feng" on channel u today and IT IS SO DAMN HORRIBLE. The hosts are so damn rude and irritating, they keep going like "eeek!! eeeewww!!! that's disgusting!!" at everything. ok, first a street hawker offered them some snacks and they didn't dare to eat it and kept pushing it to each other, then they were acting all grossed out at the toilets, i mean, how rude is that? imagine if some tourist came to Singapore and started saying things like "yucks, u have squatting toilets?" and "eeewwww....i can't eat this hawker centre food, it's so unhygienic and disgusting! ! hey, who dares to eat it?" That would be so damn insulting, i think i'd probably just bash him in the eye or something. If you're so frightened then GO HOME AND STOP BOTHERING US. And what's worse is that its a travel programme. Doing things like that while on holiday is bad, doing them while accompanied by a tv crew is worse. I feel so damn embarassed as a Singaporean.

Anyway, looks like the entertainment value of the thing lies in the hosts acting all grossed out and stuff, so if i'm going to have to watch episode after episode of people screaming away in disgust, i'd rather not watch.

~*~ Rant ends ~*~

Shuld sleep early. Gotta go cycling tomorrow. (I go cycling almost everyday. How --- is that?)