Saturday, April 02, 2005

::Beware of monkeys.

(this happened yesterday i think but can't be sure)

Yeah, I was cycling (again!) in the park and I came across some monkeys. Real monkeys, not irritating little children. I was like huh? there are monkeys here too? Well, I didn't really care cause I wasn't scared of monkeys. Well, at least I thought so.

Well I went cycling back into monkey territory again, and the monkeys were all over the path, so I stopped and said, "Eh."

Then suddenly they all started getting up, and I was like huh? Then they started walking puropsefully towards me, like gangsters who had just seen a rival gang member in their territory.

Well I don't mind monkeys, but I don't like it when they all start coming towards me like they want to scratch my face, snatch my handphone and hitch a ride on my bicycle. So I gingerly turned around and cycled away as fast as i could, yelling "hou zi! hou zi! (monkey! monkey!)" like a ninny.

Then I came upon my sister. She was waving to me and pointing. And I was like "are they still following me?" And she said, "YES! They're following you in a straight line!" Single file, if you get what I mean.

So we both ran (or cycled) away, me on my bike and my sister on foot. And fortunately we left them behind. Strangely I was the only one who was really scared. My sister just started running to keep up with me.

But after all, the monkeys weren't chasing her. Just damn traumatic, if you get what I mean.