Friday, May 20, 2005

::Missing in action

I disappeared. Let's just say something happened.

Feeling very lazy lately. Haven't been doing much and don't feel that good about it either. Lazy people might be interested to know that I achieved totally nothing this week.

Well anyway, my birthday came and went. Few people noticed. Mikaela was one of them.

happy birthday! see, i remembered! :frog:
- tag from Mikaela. Blog here.

Arh thankew hor. Very much arh.

Well anyway, rental bikes suck. I went to East Coast and my rental bike sucked. Not surprising because other pple's bikes sucked oso. But couldn't be bothered to go back and change them. So they sucked all the way. Sigh.

Oh and good luck Tari for your concert, piano concert rite? So sad I can't go.