Thursday, August 26, 2004


I'm feeling pretty stressed now, I can't log into epebble, my art project is due, my prelims are coming and I have a history test this afternoon and a physics test tomorrow.

Interesting link: Precocious Puberty
Weird and a little creepy.

I'm in the library with people discussing their home econs project (plan and make a meal) behind me, and damn it, I'm getting hungry. Angel cake, chawanmushi, salmon, etc. Darn.

Sunday, August 22, 2004

::What a Tremendous Amount of Shit.......

...I've got myself into.

Sitting in front of the computer, surrounded by papers, sketches, mounting boards and a spitting printer. At first, I thought I had too little I have too much!!!!!


Friday, August 20, 2004


I'm bored, play with me. Let's play football. You be the ball and I kick you. Please? Pretty please?

*gets kicked and runs away crying for mama*

Sorry about that, but I'm really bored and I don't want to leave the library.

::Bow Down To Me Mere Mortals

Here in the school library during class hours typing out (and also composing) my testimonial. Ah....self- worship is great. Praising oneself is greater. And I alone am the greatest. *smirks*

Writing testimonial in Sec 4: One of the few times you can praise yourself excessively and not have people speak badly about you for it. What's even better is that you can do that while pretending to be another person (your teacher). Mwahahahaha.

Thursday, August 19, 2004

::Got Fear?

I confess, all these people studying around me is making me nervous.

Perhaps it's fear. Fear of a lack of fear. Everyone going around, noses buried in books, worrying themselves sick over art projects and in short, scaring themselves silly. And suddenly, you stop and think, why the hell am I so calm? Is there something I haven't done? Have I not picked up the danger vibes that everyone is sensing?

Now, that is scary.

It's beyond the fear of knowing that you don't know enough. It's the fear of not knowing what you don't know, that probably isn't enough. It's the thought of everyone going home to be hermits in their enormous mountains of books and emerging with a brain chock full of facts and equations and countless A1s while you sit at home happily surfing porn and finally emerging with guess what, a brain full of porn.

It's like seeing snakes emerging from their burrows when you haven't even felt your foundations shake. You look around and wonder, what's happening?

And then it *hits* you. Prelims.

But why does it scare me so much? I'm not even going to JC.

Face it, fear is contagious.

Have you had your fear today?

Wednesday, August 18, 2004

::Gnome Guard Shock Army Chiefs

::Non-Rebel Without A Cause

1) someone who opposes or fights against people in authority
2) someone who refuses to do things the normal way, or the way that other people want them to.

I am a rebel. I rebel against the rebels. Therefore, - times - equals +, 2 wrongs make a right (wait, scratch that one...)

So I'm a non- rebel. A true, but perhaps not blue, non-rebel.


Okay, make it simpler.

(In order)
School = authority
School makes school rules (ie. no ankle socks, belt at waist)
Students disobey school rules (low belt, ankle socks)
Students = against school = against authority = rebel!

Therefore, low belt, ankle socks = normal

Me = against people acting like sheep and doing stuff to seem cool and fit in
Me = against low belt, ankle socks (okay, there are other more practical reasons but nvm)
Me = belt at waist, 'normal' socks
Therefore, me = Rebel!

Me = belt at waist, normal socks
Me = obeying school rules
School rules set by school
School = authority
Me = complying with authority
Therefore, me = non rebel

So, it just goes one full circle. Call me a rebel, and those with low belts, etc. are no longer rebels. Call them rebels, and I'm no longer a rebel. It's an OR, not an AND situation.
But this does not mean that we're both not rebels, or that we both are. So what are we? What a paradox.

Answer (to put an end to this stupid debate): We are all people. -_-

How 'bout we put an end to this whole concept of 'Rebel' altogether?

I propose a new concept of

'doing what you want to do, and not doing what you don't want to do'.
(I may disagree with this concept later, if I have time.)