Saturday, November 19, 2005

::Ohhhh you touched my tralala

Mmmmm My dingdingdong. (video)

DUMB. Just plain dumb.

But strangely addictive though.

And one of my favorite songs btw.

::2 together

2 couples in my class now. I guess no one was surprised, except me.

It kind of comes as a shock, the realisation that the males in the class might be actually viewing their female classmates as potential mates. I had been deluding myself with the thought that at least in school at least we are just classmates right? and no one will be judging you and you can just be yourself, slouching around in t-shirt and shorts or something.

I must say that i am shocked beyond words.

Well, another side effect of this is that it has caused 2 groups to kind of merge together, my group of smart people (except me lah) and the biggest group in the class. And I dunno. Just feels weird really. I don't know what to say to anybody anymore. Our thinking is just like, worlds apart. I dunno.

I realise that sometimes, my closest friend in class doesn't get what I'm talking about. I realised our thinking didn't really connect that much in the first place. He is more like the normal type and I am like... alien? Sometimes I worry that after the merging of the 2 groups, I might just drift apart from the people that were my good friends but whose thinking actually didn't really connect with me.

I am kind of stressed. Suddenly, I feel like a nerd/geek/neek/gerd/whatever.


Friday, November 18, 2005


Two of the girls in my class seem to have paired up with guys in the class.

Damn freaky lor!

Imagine dating your like, classmate?

Everyone is pairing up! Help!!!!

Thursday, November 17, 2005

::Why females like manicure shops

Yeah, why?


Me arh, I cannot even go into a hair salon without feeling sick. I think I shall stay far far away from those places.

::New chatterbox

Woo, new chatterbox.

Who going to do the first post?

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

::Standards of living for animals

Read Xiaxue's post about the animal cruelty thing.

What can I say right?
Just because certain people are oppressing other races doesn't mean that it is acceptable.
Just because people are keeping animals under those kind of conditions doesn't mean that it is acceptable.
Damn it! The humans breed too.
But oppressing them is still wrong, right?

Animal's standard of living will always be worse than human's standard of living.
So sometimes the animal's standard of living depends on how good the human's standard of living is.

But the rabbits are damn cute la.

::Dawn Yang III

Dawn Yang I
Dawn Yang II

What?! Another post about Dawn Yang?

Ok, I wanted to stop all this Dawn Yang blogging a long time ago (2 posts is quite enough), but this entire plastic surgery scandal has got me hooked.

Every day, new news, new posts, new comments. Suddenly, I can look forward to new things to read everyday.

But isn't it interesting? What will Dawn say next? Will she admit, or will she not? What other shocking secrets will everyone find out next? What will happen? Will she really become a celebrity?

I don't hate her, I don't want to make her life hell or whatever, but face it. She is pretty (if a little creepy) and everyone likes looking at pretty people. Her story is perfect scandal material. She wants to be a celebrity. Sometimes, I feel that the job of celebrities is to exist solely for people's entertainment/amusement, whether they act, sing, get into scandals or otherwise.

Now she should be happy because she has an enormous online reality show just about herself. Not all celebrities can get this kind of attention, you know?

Sometimes, people just need a diversion from their own dull and boring lives. And Dawn provides the perfect diversion.

Monday, November 14, 2005

::10 reasons not to ride bicycles

1) Bugs on your bike
2) Bugs in your hair
3) Bugs in your teeth
4) Bugs down your neck
5) Bugs...ok never mind. Lung cancer.
6) Mud in the house. Alot of mud in the house.
7) Can't eat at places that are too crowded.
8) Weird tan lines.
9) Overhead bridges and lifts.
10) Can't get out of the front door anymore.

Went riding during the weekend. Duh.

Was about to blog a post about how ridiculous this whole 'beauty' thing is becoming, but I think this blog link pretty much sums up what I have to say.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

::Dawn Yang II

(read earlier post 'Dawn Yang')

I think some people are missing the whole point altogether.

Some people simply dismiss it as a matter that isn't of much importance.

And some of the Dawn detractors are just as bad, going on and on about the 'she cheated us' thing, which isn't much of an issue unless you hired her to do an advertisement for natural beauty or something.

What's more disturbing are the deeper issues brought up by this incident. Frankly, this makes me think of The Bluest Eye.

A girl's chinese face changes into an eurasian one (let's not talk about whether plastic surgery was involved). Suddenly, everyone thinks she is beautiful and she even gets a contract to be a star.

Does this sound disturbing to you?

What's up with us Singaporean chinese people?

What is our standard of beauty like? Tall, fair skin, big eyes, double eyelids, high nose, well defined features. Sounds like angmohs, doesn't it? Unfortunately it's at odds with the chinese face and body. So what does it mean? Angmohs are beautiful and chinese aren't?

Is this a form of racial self-hatred caused by the influence of western culture?

Look at the models in magazines and you'll find that a large number of them are either eurasian or angmohs. Most little girls are given Barbie dolls to play with. Adverts on television frequently feature a happy angmoh family. Caucasian or eurasian children are frequently thought of as cuter than asian children, and it's even supposed to be a complement if someone tells you that your kid looks eurasian if he's actually not eurasian.

I mean, in America it's one thing, cause there are actually a lot of whites living there, but in Singapore? Aren't the majority of the people here Asians?

In The Bluest Eye, Pecola's goal of becoming beautiful by white standards is unattainable. For us chinese, it has now become attainable. Just look at Dawn Yang.

And that is not going to help matters any. Now with all this advancement in plastic surgery, people have the option of changing themselves to fit the western ideal rather than accepting a different standard of beauty for their own race.

Why can't we just love ourselves for what we are?
Why can't we see our own race as beautiful?

Saturday, November 12, 2005

::Dawn Yang

Went to Blinkymummy's blog and saw this post. Wow, evidently there's this mixed blood (ang mo-ish) girl who is real chio. Very very chio. Must see.

Read on and...huh? Fake? She went for plastic surgery? (Evidently, she denied it and said that people who go for plastic surger have low self-esteem) Nothing wrong with a bit of plastic surgery but...
it's major plastic surgery leh!

"To look like another race/mix over time is freaking amazing!!"

Hm. So is she mixed blood or chinese? Wait, so how bad is it?
Really must see. This has got to be interesting.

So I followed the link with the pictures.

So this is Dawn Yang after:

Wow, chio.

And Dawn Yang before.

Not bad what. But....totally different.

Fucking amazing. Confirm got plastic surgery one.

What's disturbing is the obsession with wanting to look amgmoh or mixed blood. Chinese not good enough meh?!

Evidently, it's not just her. In my opinion, the entire ideal of beauty is just screwed.
First, stick-thin anorexic girls, now Chinese wanting to look like angmohs.

Argh, my head.

More on the entire Dawn Yang thing here (some links have been repeated above):

Or check out Dawn Yang/Dawn Yeo's blog.

Friday, November 11, 2005

::Where is my chatterbox?

Evidently flooble has eaten it.
Guess I'll just wait and see what happens.

Use the comments, people.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

::A life more ordinary.

Handed in my donation card. My friend wrote his girlfriend's name and his good friends' names. No one donated to me so I put in my own $2 and wrote my bikes' names (oh well, I'm not that sociable anyway). Class rep complained how fake it looked. Interestingly, most everyone donated $2, except for some freak who donated $92.

Well.... it seems I have no life.

Wake up in the morning, hang around with the bikes. Have fun. Have no fun. Depends.

Everyday at school hanging around with my gang during lunch breaks (strangely, I'm the only female). Everyone just slacking away, eating and talking crap. No stupid girly activities. No bitching. No diet-obsessing and salad-eating. No obligation to do everything together and have they same opinion. No endless boy discussions. No beauty tips.
For once, I feel normal.

Come home from school, blog, talk crap to sis. Sleep. Zzz.

Not exactly the most perfect life in the world (it is pretty uneventful), but right now, it is pretty good.

Monday, November 07, 2005

::How Girls Waste Time

Sunday, November 06, 2005

::Pocket Bikes

photos from - read article here

Now these have got to be the cutest things ever.
Now you can have your motorbike in your bedroom!

By the way, are they allowed in Singapore?
Argh I want one already.
Now can go out and terrorise all the little children on those motorised plastic car thingys!

Saturday, November 05, 2005

::Ji Pa Ban - One million

Friday, November 04, 2005

This love has taken it’s toll on me
She said goodbye too many times before
And her heart is breaking in front of me
I have no choice cause I won’t say goodbye anymore

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Someone (with a deep voice, according to my sis) called me while I was in school and didn't leave her name. So who are you? I really don't know who you are so I can't call you back. Identify yourself, person!

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Haiya, must throw away another chance again.

Is this fair ornot?
People whose family no money are forced to break the law.
Then later they get caught, and pple say "Why you do this kind of thing?"
Because if we don't, we have to break the bank.
Otherwise we have to watch all our chances fly away.
I choose the latter cause if I get caught and they sue me, I really have no money to pay. My whole family 惨 already.

Notice that no one ever hears of rich discrimination?

When I decided to stop doing art, I realised that art is like that.
Sometimes when you decided to stop doing something, you really must cut off forever.
Otherwise the reason that you stop doing will keep coming back to haunt you.

Art this kind of thing 是给 rich people 玩的。