Sunday, May 22, 2005

::If my friends don't want me no more...

I know my bikes will.

(yes, I am kinda pissed, but don't try to get it cause you probably won't get it anyway. And it's not about my birthday btw in case u were wondering.)

Anyway, feel like going back to SN, but no one else seems to be going, and I don't know if I should go back anyway, cause there are people I don't really want to see, and whom I think don't really want to see me either, and people that I don't really feel comfortable with anyway. I don't really miss anyone there. What I miss is the surroundings. But don't think I can get in by saying, "I miss the place, can I go in?" Don't even know if I should go at all. Sigh. Should have gone during sports day.