Tuesday, May 24, 2005

::These things always happen to me.

First day of orientation week started wonderfully. I got lost trying to find location MLT2 and then when I finally found it, I realised that I was supposed to be going to MLT12 instead! And I didn't know where and got even more lost looking for it, but soon found out it was on the other side of the poly. Anyway, I got majorly lost and ended up being more than one hour late. See what happens when you have such a bloody big poly?

Anyway, thanks to all the nice people who helped direct me to the correct location. You guys are very nice. Thank you very much.

Mercifully, I found I hadn't missed much. Fucking incredible.

Our personal tutor is a bit beng-ish. He's so beng that his name even has 'Beng' in it. Not surprising cuz he came in in this dragon-dragon shirt and talked alot about how mahjong was like shui hu zhuan (The Water Margin, you know, that book about those 108 people and one of them beat up a tiger and in the end most of them died, oh well you know, you know). And I couldn't make head or tail of it cuz well, I don't know how to play mahjong, and the closest thing I got to playing it was when I downloaded some mahjong game from the internet eons ago and played it using the 'tikam-tikam' (anyhow pick and choose) method.

Then after that came food. I shared a personal pan pizza (hawaiian!!) with someone I just met. She was more comfortable speaking in Chinese. I was more comfortable speaking in English. In the end, it ended up with me speaking some really painful sounding Chinese. We somehow managed to misplace our entire class and take a long long walk round the entire poly looking for the auditorium while I whined (okay, not for the entire journey) about my lack of a bicycle, ie. "We could be like Whee! got there already."

Got to the auditorium *surprise!* early. Sat around waiting for the principal's speech to start. Finally the principal's speech started but it was a DVD. How thoughtful. Anyway, the moment the principal appeared on the screen against a colourful and obviously fake background...

the entire auditorium burst out laughing.

Well, I suppose he anticipated such a response, that's why he sent a poor harmless DVD version of himself to be laughed at. Anyway, it just looked ridiculous.

Then more speeches, most by real people. And lots of videos, some of which were actually quite funny but won't seem that funny if I describe them to you here. Me and abovementioned new friend got into a discussion about ccas during the break (we didn't want to go out and fight over the food), she wants to join archery?! Archery? That's kinda strange. It's not something I'd normally think about (then what do I normally think about? Porn, lame jokes, and sleeping, that's what).

No lah, archery is nice lah. It's like....er.....Legolas? (Pretty obvious that I don't really know much about it huh? Never mind, I can always learn.)

We also got into a discussion about what wuliao (meaningless) activities to pon, cause both of us are slackers and now we can happily pon together. Now I have ponning companion! Yeah!!

And oh yes, the Flag Day. It is really a flag day. With the cans and stickers and stuff. At first, we were really unenthusiastic. Then we found out that we can get prizes!! My friend wants the 15-inch LCD TV. For what for I don't know. I've given up on TV already. There's nothing I'm really dying for, but getting the bicycles would be nice. But anyway I have bicycles already so might just as well leave them to some poor bicycle-less person. Maybe we can both work towards her LCD TV together. Mmmm fun.

(Oh, quite a few girls I met don't know how to cycle and haven't thought of learning. Fucking amazing. It's fun. They should try.)

And then we went home. And I watched some guy sitting beside me sleep for half the journey, we both fell asleep for the other half, and I overshot my stop and fell over him in a desperate attempt to get off the bus fast. mggffffsttttt. Blah.